Chinese Zoo Draws Massive Crowds Amid Controversy Over Human in Sun Bear Costume

Hangzhou Zoo‘s Sun Bear Angela Sparks Viral Debate, Tourist Surge and Animal Rights Concerns

‎Chinese Zoo Draws Massive Crowds Amid Controversy Over Human in Sun Bear Costume_1080p


The Hangzhou Zoo in eastern China has become an internet sensation as visitors and social media users debate whether their sun bear, Angela, is actually a human dressed in a bear costume. A video showing Angela standing on her hind legs and waving went viral on Chinese social media, leading to speculations about her identity. Despite the zoo’s insistence that Angela is indeed a real bear, tourists have been flocking to the zoo in droves to see for themselves.

Since the video’s circulation, visitor numbers at Hangzhou Zoo have surged by approximately 30%, with people even traveling overnight to catch a glimpse of the controversial bear. While some visitors expressed disbelief in the authenticity of the video, others marveled at Angela’s cuteness. Social media users pointed out the bear’s slender legs and fur-covered folds, which added to the suspicion that it might be a human in disguise.

To address the viral speculation, zoo staff arranged visits for journalists to confirm Angela’s identity as a genuine sun bear. The zoo also took to its official WeChat account to debunk the “human in costume” rumors, emphasizing that the zoo is government-run and such scenarios are implausible.

Animal rights group PETA weighed in on the situation, using the incident as an opportunity to advocate for the relocation of all zoo animals, including Angela, to sanctuaries and wildlife reserves that prioritize animal welfare. Sun bears are gregarious, intellectual individuals who should be allowed to exist freely in their natural habitat, not just as entertainment for humans, they emphasized.

The surge in visitors and global interest in Angela the sun bear has raised awareness about animal welfare and conservation concerns. The controversy surrounding Angela has spurred discussions about the treatment of animals in zoos and the importance of preserving their natural habitats.

Hangzhou Zoo’s sun bear Angela has become a captivating figure, drawing both awe and controversy. As the debate continues, the incident serves as a reminder of the responsibility we bear in ensuring the well-being of wildlife and the importance of respecting their natural behaviors and environments.



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